Saturday, February 22, 2020

Know It All Isms Lead Us to a Bad Place...

I feel like we are guilty and plunked as well with Bad Habits. It would be one thing if those behaviors where like College or Young Adulthood, but, no, these are very bad actors with very bad behaviors. We don't have the Beer and Bar Culture or the Schlitz and Schultz forging Corporate Responsibility, but we have everything else on the outside.

We wouldn't have gotten as far as we'd got with the Beer and Bar Culture and mind you, those Young Adults would not have gotten anywhere with that culture. We still wouldn't have behaved if Oklahoma dropped an Improbable State Pride if that was on the table. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue and Rachel's Baby Would be 18.

Real Babies couldn't just rely on themselves. Moms couldn't just be everything, and we'd have too much Brainpower to rely on our Moms or any Mom. If we where real, I would expect every or nearly every man like my Elders, and we are wildly impressionable more than have the Self-Control not chasing every lady. That is dangerous, and the only acceptable way to snitch is if people's lives are in danger.

It is not a Good Image to play with People's Careers like Pete Rose or Ty Cobb. We have not calmed down over the Steroids and we have not calmed down over the lack of economy. The lack of economy makes everyone worse.

An economy to me is responsibly tagging in and out. We are down to individuals, which makes it dangerous, and especially dangerous Off-Hours. If I was having to throw my Big Money around, I would try to throw a Bargaining Chip to either enhance the Program or the School or Both. We would pull the unbelievable out, but, the bad thing is the unbelievable comes back up.

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