Wednesday, July 22, 2020

We Still Need Conference Realignment!

I find that the down side of having to cancel slates or even Conference Slates this Fall is we still need Conference Realignment! I hate being shrill, or worse yet, shrill and subsequent having to have someone else beat me to the punch with a similar post within Minutes or Seconds.

I don't like or appreciate why Nebraska has to get to Trusting the Expulsion Process just to have anything and San Diego State needed Billions to have a Stadium and an Arena. But, since this Pandemic has shut things down, that is still stories.

I've only had the Bus Once in my City for a third of a year and I would not be happy in any other time to be pent up like having to count the Stars or the Lights to keep the Bad Bar from being bugged. Or having to have the Coffee Pot brought up when I wanted to bring up the WWF and the lid was blown left and right.

We still need Conference Realignment as the Only Reason to Play the Border War or Texas-Texas A and M! I am fed up with having to spend my Thanksgiving Table having to hash Annual Rivalries like it was Hash Browns.  

Conference Realignment has been a river of this Blog and I'd be posting on this Blog for 4 Years in September. Even though it is cheaper than having Spam E-mails, but, it is more fun and more welcoming than that.

Close would have been George McGovern in this case. Or even Barry Goldwater. Both where very far away and that is a problem and I feel like most of the airwaves have been Sunday Church Silent since the NCAA Tournament was nixed and that is an issue, because the only time you'd cheer Student Loans going down is when the economy picks up, not because too many kids are disinterested in the responsibility of School.

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