Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hakim Hill is still a Curse to Arizona State and Northern Iowa as Schools!

I would feel like for 4 Months of this Pandemic, Arizona State cannot seem to get their heads out their rears when it finally comes to becoming and evolving into a Top 25 Program in College Sports. I feel the root of this is Arizona State tolerating and condoning Hakim Hill's behavior until they couldn't and that included, up to, and not limited to, stopping USC long before Texas, and Women Who Are Mothers Now that felt he should be a Bailee instead of these weirdo Entrepreneurs.

He had the biggest attitude about being in Iowa City and the Old Sports Scribes could remember the few swear words that made it to press where from him! Arizona State is monikered as Always Something University and that is the University and that is not flattering. Washington State has 3 Characters Ruin Fundraising, but, that is Washington State!

If Herm Edwards and Bobby "Saved By The Bell" Hurley where Miami's instead of Arizona State's, Miami would be a National Powerhouse and Arizona State would not be far enough removed from the junkyard. Or, in the Overcrowded Phoenix Ecosystem, the Scrapper.

And, to make our Women's Community's Unmentionables in a Wad, because this is a Family Blog, the man is a curse to the Leaders of the City, including my all time favorite Little Hawk Alumni, who went to School at the Same time, and I would love getting a kick out of rooting for the Divorce or the Arrest like it was America's Most Wanted or my emotions, at 35, are still twisted and no better off than that of 8.

And, this is the Same Arizona State who twisted Oregon from the Playoffs and Oregon acts as if they are 8 and they are rude and garish! If I had to spend my Silver Dollar, I would spend it around upsetting Clemson in the Jewel and run from there! I feel like Arizona State has been close to being an All Time National Champion Twice and I'd had to start the Arizona State and Scandal Hit Parade that National Sports has picked up.

And in the bridge of the Cold Bus from El Paso to Iowa City in a Ground More Solid than today, I would feel like the Golden Rule when things pick up is Do Me a Favor and Jettison People who ONLY Wanted Room and Board before you learn the hard way. This is not a Hardaway and the truth was Hakim Hill has kept Northern Iowa from their much, much delayed 1st Division I World Championship and that has twisted the arm of Northern Iowa like it was Iowa.

It would be easier to have actual Hard Workers who actually are employees and not just entrepreneurs and that is a drag and a ruin on these people. There are a lot of things that are drug down because of this creep, Iowa City High's National Powerhouse, Iowa City West devolving into the Wild West, USA Track and Field becoming Hot Trash and 0 Answers to Usain Bolt, Arizona State has another Iowa High School Alumni of the Same Time who is not Smoking Section Garbage, and Phoenix Sports being a Fire Burning that Sean Kingston could not put out.

The guy was talented, and had more talent than those who where there and still are there every year, but, it always was about Attitude and the Collar and I am not painting it on the City Red of my Fan Choice, and he would have gone farther, but, the recriminality of these entrepreneur characters who aren't making anything new or following these Bachelor Characters and I would like to see the Arizona Rattlers Snake Pit be vibrant on my Local TV and not just a Webcam again!

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