Tuesday, July 21, 2020

We'd need to Raise the Bar and Ships Big Time!

I feel like what John Madden, the Coach and the Man said about Sports and Entertainment should be no-nonsense about their affairs like a True International Airport. I feel like I would be a lobster if some one is called out and not only they are called out, but, to make it worse, they'd drag and rag respected Teachers like "They Don't Need That!"

I feel like what is farce to me is how is it the bar and ships need to be raised in a big way! Farce to me is funny until it starts costing me or other people money. I would look at the joke Edna K said in Treehouse of Horror II and I would fly with rage instead of laugh. Normally, I would, but, what hurt is if it is the Last Week of Summer and Labor Day Weekend that you'd string us along, it would hurt.

It is not necessarily the dining out, but, the Social Skills. I feel like the way some of us are acting is it is the Civil War. I don't want Bail Reform on my Telephone, especially if someone is creeping like it was Summer Vacation. I doubt kids would have School this Quarter and I feel like the NCAA would have their arms tied with Serious, Not Phoney Baloney, Reform, because I can't give everything if you can't win.

It is like a job where you are held to the last person who was there and their pedestal. The pedestal and the moral is you can't just be there for a few weeks and if your people are hurt you have to be Media Specialized before you could become a farce.

Reform is not fun and games. This is a Summer where it is been anything but Fun and Games. If I was the General Manager, I would hate being hatless like my Uncles and my last Book Principal Skinner, but, there are deeper issues than the material. I feel like instead of being Reynolds Wrap Transparent, I feel it would be Lil' Kim without the Queen Bee Chain and she actually worked on Acting and Rapping (True Story), and it would be the 1st Day of Fall and we'd be fooled and angry.

Reform is not Hints, Lies, Allegations and Bad Rivals. (I would replace the 3rd with Bad Rivals, but, this is not the Mid 1970's New York City) The spiritual deformity is upsetting and my poll is ripe to be due in 10 Days. I am not the Self-Promotion Cat, especially if I am more upset at what should have happened, but didn't.

What Fun and Games is considering your fellow Little Guy and Girl. I feel like wanting to think like a Good Computer, not wasting my energy and money. Nobody's Mom wants to affliate with a Weird Man and my Aunts would have Strong Opinions about dudes who can't ever put it together at 30.

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