Thursday, July 30, 2020

If Penske Leaves, IMSA Would Be as Done as CART

I've never been thrilled with IMSA being a Badged Revival after the Old American Le Mans Series and Grand Am Merger. No Sir! I would feel like if Penske leaves IMSA, it would be as done as CART. I would feel like having to see a Midnight Raid for Trans Am, Historic Trans Am, Can Am, Historic Can Am and Indy Lights wad up into an Indianapolis 500 World Championship with Monaco and Le Mans in its future as an annual Triple Crown.

I don't know if Penske Support would make or break IMSA, but, I am sure on the Box that not having Penske again would change Road Racing overnight. And I mean Overnight!

It would be nuttier than the Le Mans that everyone noticed the Whittingtons beach their way through the field. I would think and believe we would need a Healthier Sports Car Racing to pump money into the Win on Sunday, Buy on Monday Movement.

I am feeling stuff is not free, and it certainly is not free to those who have to make the Screenprints. It is not free to the people who'd support and buy tickets, and it certainly is not free to the people having to look dolled up and have to STILL pay rent!

While we are on this rant, I would feel like there'd have to be someone who is not crusty or a character having to steward the show. I feel 7 Years is Enough Time to see this merger true and I feel Penske would be a chief non-negotiable to TV Networks for IMSA's hand if Acura Penske where to just go.

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