Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Apathy vs. A True Single Owner Driver Winner

 23 Years Ago Yesterday, we had the last Troy McClure, where we miss him like Everyday, Mark McGwire hitting 70 Home Runs into the Gateway Arch and The Last Time we had a True Single Owner Driver Winner. That was Ricky Rudd.

Michael Waltrip, Denny Hamlin and Tony Stewart couldn't lay such a claim. I am not talking about Family Teams, but a True Single Owner Driver.

Sponsors would flock to a True Single Owner Driver or Single Owner Drivers because it would not be Corporate and the whole principle of Multi Car Teams is not to Wreck Your Budget in Cars. I feel we would be recreating a 2008 if we wrecked our budget in cars or worse, be mediocre.

A lot of the Mid-Pack Backers where not around in 2008 and that "Mid" is Not Okay! I feel that I would take Victories Great and Defeats Even Harder. It is not Pokemon, as my Peers, Friends and Classmates had Jobs or Sports, not Playthings in High School.

The current is not a Good Place. Unless if you'd have a Strategy, your SOL and then Some.

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