Saturday, September 25, 2021

If Iowa Hawkeye Sports was in a State of Disarray...

 If the State of Hawkeye Sports was in a State of Disarray, we would not argue off missing Hometown Hawkeyes NCAA Champions. Even though everyone claims to have the best fans in Sports, but, in reality, we lay claim to a Family Show.

We still have Medicine Clawed away by a Ghost and not a Friendly or Harmless Ghost, but a Tragic Ghost at that. If we didn't have the chances to claw away at Other Schools 10 Win Seasons or said 2021 Hayden Fry Building Way, we'd be in a Militant Disarray.

We would miss out on Change Beginning and Ending at Home. Change is not Prison Overcrowding, and we are guilty as sin of that. Disarray would be more than Big E throwing Pancakes and keeping the WWE in Business like Domino's.

That pisses off the Alumni Association, who are Pray-Starving for a Better Ambassador. We are Not a Mid Major, we are the People's Flagship, the State University of Iowa. I feel that we would not be better off with having to raid White Whales all the time.

The disarray would cost people money, especially money we would not have otherwise. If Iowa where a Lending Library, She'd Bitterly Complain Her Shelves are Barer than the Autumn Trees. We are not where Miami and Tennessee would actually need Alumni taking over the Athletic Department, but, it is scary.

The Hunger and the Anger would be unreal and global.

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