Tuesday, September 14, 2021

What USC Needs Out of their Next Football Coach!

 I feel if I was giving out my Hard Earned Money to USC, which I am not, sadly, I'd look at some of these Key Things:

1. You are Not Going to Go With an Interim!

This is mainly because that the angst of botching both the 2013 and 2015 Searches, with both of them involving Prank Calls and The Hollywood Unit of the LAPD, definitely better known as the Anti-Stalking Unit, had to stop the search both times.

2. You are Having 3 Straight In Season Terminators!

This is a pattern that you should not be proud of, especially if Lane Kiffin later went to FAU and Ole Miss, and for Sark's Inappropriate Behavior, later smelled like a Rose and Wound Up at Texas. Clay would not wind up elsewhere and I would have pulled the trigger for all that trouble after the Holiday Bowl.

3. You Will Have Problems Attracting Quality Coaches!

This is not a Top 25 Job and even if it was, USC has had a long history of Botching Legit Head Coaching Searches on their Own without Anyone Else's Help. You've had 3 In Season Firings and 1 Conference Championship Since 2009.

4. If You Took Hugh Freeze, you'd rile the Troops for a While.

And, that would be the tricky part, other than getting out of Little Jerry Junior's Shadow at Liberty, you'd have a Riled Up Western United States and they'd have every right to be riled up, especially if the comedown is they did not win under  Helton and one day, the Discipline Matters keep hitting the desk and everyone really is mad.

5. It would be much, much worse than Houston Nutt.

It would become very troubling and having to suddenly "find" the confidence to Win Games would be upsetting and the Oxford to South Central Angle would have worsened with Oregeron being Interim, which thankfully, he didn't stick around.

6. You'd need to invest in a Legit True Assistant

It would have to involve going across America to go find one that would restructure USC Trojans Football from the Ground Up.

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