Saturday, September 4, 2021

Trevor Bauer and The Incel Movement Are Dangerous

 Trevor Bauer is responsible for most Modern Young Single Males Behavior, especially if it is Doubling Down on the Scoring and when they are not happy in not getting their Scoring, they'd resort to Violence. I feel that MLB had to resort to keep Suspending Trevor Bauer and it would have been fire to the Western Labor Day had he been allowed to be reinstated.

Trevor Bauer grabs and punches Women in their Sensitive Area, and I'd change the Word to keep appeasing the bandwidth without having to tick the Bandwidth Off. Women's Crisis or Women's Buildings can't always Work From Home and there are Women's Buildings for a Real Reason.

I'd be guilty of being lured in like a Loyal Butters, but, Manhood and Entitlement don't mix. We would miss out on Great In-Laws on both Manhood and Entitlement and the fact is People would be asking NOT GOOD! Questions on the Pacific Coast on Game 163 after it ends in a Dodgers Loss!

It would take something more unbelievable to have a Nastier Dodgers Meltdown and then the Play In Play Off just to make the Playoffs. We would have had questions and uncivility if the Dodgers and or the Astros came to Dyersville and I would have gotten a kick out of the Baseball Rangers lassoing North, but it wouldn't be the Same Story.

Trevor Bauer will resort to Violence and that is the Problem. The problem is his behavior is worsened from his Hypercompetitiveness and his Sexual Behavior.

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