Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Trevor Bauer is not only a Sexual Abuser, but, a Beater and Strangulator As Well!

 I'd feel the Heat would have to be on Law Enforcement to Arrest Trevor Bauer, and I feel that not only is he a Sexual Abuser, but, a Beater and a Strangulator as Well! That has a myriad of problems.

Team Bauer has not taken their job Seriously Enough. Team Bauer fooled the Dodgers into what would otherwise be a 100 Winner and a Back to Back World Series Winner that would have inevitably and publically ended in the most public matter in Los Angeles History.

The Outrage Machine is in Full On Churn! There are plenty of Fools, but, no Winners! The fan morale in the Dodgers Fan Base is Unreal and they gave up Future Dodgers just for Trevor Bauer.

Not only they gave up that Money for Trevor Bauer, they'd give up that money for keeping Career Dodgers in Uniform. This would be a myriad of serious problems and vulgarities and I'd feel if he'd Pick Up the Pieces, the anger of having to watch Trevor Bauer's Actions like a Hawk would be Problematic.

This would test if you can't be sponsored by a League Sponsor, don't be in the League Rule!

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