Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Hog People are Mad Gameday Didn't Come to Town, Horns People are Mad their Not Prepared

 I know where my allegiances lie, but, in reality, Hog People are absolutely Mad Gameday Didn't Come to Town and Horns People are Mad their Not Prepared. It is people, not necessarily for the Longest Time, Arkansas being the Public Ivy in the Southeast, and 27,000 Kids are Still Small in General Population of Public School and Undergraduate Students, but, the Global Outreach of the Uncivil War has been Overlooked.

I'd think we'd get back to the days of Annual Hogs-Horns Revivals and the fact Future Conference Realignments would be based on that or Future Conference Championships. The Best Bowl Game in 1999, better than the Real National Championship, which I am still mad about Marshall and Florida State not meeting in that Championship, merged Bowl Week and Texas Week as one, and the story they had to keep the lights on at the Cotton Bowl that night out of fear they wouldn't be on is their own story.

Years later, in 2014, and Bielema's Hogs spotted Texas on unpreparedness. Bielema never had to deal with an In Season Texas Week, and what is maddening is the World is Aware of Hogs and Horns and my State would have its own rivalry, but, the Late Paul Eells was West Branch like some of my Family and the Recently Retired WFAA Dale Hansen was Southwest Iowa and spent part of his Career in Newton before blowing the lid on SMU, Dallas Carter, and Oklahoma.

I'd feel that the non-leadership this Red, White and Blue would speak volumes louder than Unitas, Grambling and Nock all put together! I don't know if it is my emotions yelling louder than words, but, I am sick and tired of these Legacy Powerhouses not doing Leadership at all or even well!

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