Monday, September 13, 2021

Hard to Make a Difference!

 I feel that the Close of Tom Brokaw's Most Memorable University Commencement is forgotten like it was the Krusty the Klown Say the Loud Part Quiet and the Quiet Part Loud. The "Rich Man's Sport" mentality in Higher Learning is definitely prevalent, because there is no Sports Cars in this Case.

It is actually dangerous to be collecting W's without something meaningful and just don't start on the North Texas State. Except, it was Toledo, hungry for vengeance and starving for an upset. I'd think that the A's in Praying are in Starving and the R's and A's are Outstretched like Interleague Play.

There has to be some serious Pray-Starving before Notre Dame is Played by a Real Life UGF or Ozark State. That is not Netflix, it was Youtube. The pain in bringing up Content Creator College Football to a True Joe Six Pack is a Crime and Malarkey.

Actually, it is Not Malarkey and it would invite and open serious Anger and Tempers. I'd feel if I was Athletic Director or General Manager, I would at least try to jar Chicagoland further to keep those kids from being Hawkeyes or Worse.

The "Or Worse" is not pretty and it really is not. Even with the Notre Dame Clubs, the least you can do is talk things over with them, or at least be troubled to. I do not have Shopping Money like anyone else doesn't have Shopping Money, and if Notre Dame came to Kinnick, they'd have to Earn My Dollar, Please.

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