Saturday, March 14, 2020

How Come is It We are Not As Close as Lesser Countries in Similar Crises?

I feel like as a Curiosity Post, we are nowhere near close to lesser countries in similar crises, even last decade, when WhatsApp became a powerhouse when all people had was their phones. This would be a 10 to 100 Times Bigger Atlantic Hurricane, which we dodged the Hurricane-Typhoon angle a number of years back with the 1st Hurricane Harvey (I've still stood by the Hurricanes Harvey, much to the chagrin of meteorologists and the Women's Community), but, with health, we are stuck in a 10 Times Worse ethic.

Us Sports Fans are not being done any favors and we have the dubious Co National Champions with Virginia and Kansas in Men's Basketball and Baylor and Oregon in Women's Basketball. We've lived when one person graduated or retired fair and square, the whole energy would change for worse.

Sadly, all people would have their phones and they are not all applied well. I wanted to try to say wanting to see Atlanta Motor Speedway as a Bowl Raceway, but, this not here or there. I do not like having 2 Weeks Sports Slate wiped away, if not longer, and kids having to learn from home and adults having to work from home, but, Poor Kids do not have any tech other than School's Laptops and it would be a different post if I had to say if you can't have a Laptop, Don't Be in School!

The people with the Trucks do not have it any easier or better. They are like the Bus Driver or Janitor in you don't want to tick them off! I am feeling like where I am not wrong in having an early lead on the Fulmer Cup like a Rented Mule, which is a big problem, and you can't pull the Stadium Janitor to another uniform.

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