Saturday, March 14, 2020

Would an NBA Supplemental Draft be Possible This Year?

I feel that with the ocean of losses within 48 Hours between Wednesday and Friday, would an NBA Supplemental Draft be Possible this year? Sadly, there is not an XFL to get talent from or out of.  I would feel a Supplemental Draft would be necessary under the circumstances, which are extenuating.

It is not as if we'd have extensions for Winter Sports Athletes because they'd have no Championship and even if they did, it would be a take it or leave it proprosition. I doubt that the fact certain programs not being trash won't change either, as Bill Self's Future in Lawrence is Negotiable and Josh Pastner and Georgia Tech have too much history to continue.

I would feel like a Supplemental Draft would wash an already diluted Draft Pool. Our disgruntled elders are already disgruntled and the possibility of a Steal of the Draft, which is a common NFL Phrase, or a Draft Bust is scary.

The Los Angeles Lakers have been the only Legacy Champion making their own money this season. I would find Golden State, who'd need to be remonikered San Francisco for reasons, would have to deal Draymond Green, the Chicago Bulls who are hanging out at the UC instead of ranching the United Center are NOT worth Contract Renewals, San Antonio Spurs have Popovich, but, that mystery would get popped in time, the Boston Celtics need to draft and the NBA Flagships in the New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets have been bringing shame to the Inner City.

Even if things got stable, would having the cash to pull ticket runs be necessary? The worst that could happen, if we where never to come back, LeBron would be wash into a Lottery Team and Vinsanity would have gotten a Hrbekian Final.

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