Saturday, January 15, 2022

3022nd Blog: Charity Water Can't Have it Both Ways With Jason Jacoby

 For my 3022nd or Futurama Blog, Charity Water Can't Have it Both Ways with Jason Jacoby. He's tried to get Darian Gilliam fired from his Current Job, and he is going to be in Prison the 26th. Here is why Charity Water can't have it both ways with Jason Jacoby.

All Jacoby has been doing since his Home Detention is Attack. If it was jeopardizing School Security, particularly after a School Shooting, he should have been in Prison over that. I'd count the charges that already have happened since his return home and they include Robbery, Extortion, Embezzlement, Trespassing, Harassment, and that is for a Family Blog.

This is a Man who is in Serious Trouble and even Dave Moody has warned off his listeners from talking about Jason Jacoby. I probably think the Real MVP's of the Laundry List of Charges Jason Jacoby is going to see is Food Stamp Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, and Encouraging Terrorist or Other Violent Threats, particularly through Social Media.

At this point, I would not be shocked that the Website Holder wants to Pull His Website. I'd feel some of these charges are International, because of targeting Austin Ogonoski, who is all the way up in Canada. I would say targeting Public Officials would be one of the charges that would be added to the Starbucks Label of Charges that would not end, and the printer is running out of ink.

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