Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Jacoby is another Montalvo

 It bothers me that Jason Bernard Ryan Jacoby is another Armando Alejandro Montalvo and much, much worse. The Code is Montalvo and Not Richmond, and it is much, much worse.

I feel that with Celebrities, actual Celebrities and World Leaders, it would take higher Interpol Priority than someone who is chronically flying off the handle and spout. These people work too hard to just have their Space Taken Up.

43rd to DNQ most weeks is not cheap, especially if the expenses pile up. I feel that most people, who actually race Real, Analog Cars or Sim Cars do go through Media Training just to even know how to talk to people appropriately.

It is like working at Goodwill where you Don't Want another $6.60 Day and you'd thrash and thrash your way to a $60 Day and you'd see the size of your check and you get into a "Don't Want to Work For Nothing" Rut. That is true life and I wouldn't have handled Career Money out of 20 like Lindsay Lohan Well.

There is no 1st and 2nd Amendment Argument if 3 Teachers and 2 Different Schools in Georgia didn't just have to come for Jacoby's Receipts, but, the people that Jacoby Egged On Receipts. I feel that would be a Bigger Problem to Prosecute than January 6th in Washington DC just in Athens.

I would not handle problems with School Security or Injustices Toward Women Well. Not at all! It is not just Jacoby and his Drug Addled Act, but other people that are encouraging him and that is madness.

There is a large majority of NASCAR and Auto Racing Fans in Athens and I am thinking Mrs. Gutierrez is only going to go harder than she is already. The real problem here is having Auto Racing look worse than it really is, and certain things are a Privilege, like wearing the Texas Orange Colors in Sprint Cars.

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