Monday, January 10, 2022

Stupid Games Equal No Prizes

 I feel that the Street Saying "Stupid Games Equal Stupid Prizes" should be twisted to "Stupid Games Equal No Prizes" because at first, the Prizes are Unreal, but after a while, the Complaints Get Unreal and we in a Surreal Time for about 25 Years.

I feel like it or not, I have colored Eastern Iowa Schoolhouse History and a lot of that was when I was more Rambunctious than the Snowman, Gene Snow, and I said "I Learned Drinking and Driving From Rob Moroso" all the way back in Kindergarten just to get a deeper than Cromptonian Rise out of my peers and their Parents and Siblings at the Then Prairie Elementary.

Frankly, even at almost 40, I'd have no tolerance for Real Life getting in the way of a Fun Activity. My Mom's Friend's Oldest, Crissie, still is almost 40 and has no tolerance or tolerances for Male Authorities. The moral is some of these Stupid Behavior, most of them Male, seeds and creeps disrespect for Male or Other Authorities.

I don't like having to make these posts where Education is a Privilege and Not a Right. It is and I bet you some of these People would not be coming to School if it was not Replica College Days. I feel we rewarded Smarts not that long ago, and I feel mad and madder that the Culture to reward those Smarts are not there.

I'd live with Jason Jacoby ruining my Christmas and New Years Like Anyone Else. I've lived with a lot of not good things before, but, Jacoby shrilling at different People and Luminaries and even Hall of Famers is a Dirtbag Move. Or better yet, a Scumbag Move.

I feel Great Things do not Come Out of Nowhere, because if they came out of Nowhere, there is more pressure to keep them running. I wouldn't want that Smoke again, trust me and a lot of things are like the 1970's Out There.

Give it a Couple of Years and you'd have Dedication again and Dedication would calm down the Home Life and people would feel better. We have been Playing Stupid Games for 22 Years and Getting No Prizes, except, the ones that would be playing would get nothing otherwise.

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