Thursday, January 6, 2022

Sim Racing Generally Does Not Equal Auto Racing Numbers

 I hate to break it, but, Sim Racing Generally Does Not Equal Auto Racing Numbers. Thinking, in general stances, it is Mediacom Numbers, which is an Ongoing Regional Joke, to actual, Real Millions and I don't mean a Few Million or Millions Watching.

If I had to do the Infamous Sim Rig Differently, it wouldn't leave my house and it would be akin to Weight Training where too much of it leads to Bad Habits. IRacing is in a Week 13 Year where everyone comes out of the Woodwork and Costs Real Championships and Money.

People would see through Mr. X winning a Nobel Peace Prize in Real Life, and the Blogosphere was not intended for a Mr. X to just steal People's Hard Work. I would not be happy with a Convicted or Alleged Felon having to Howard Stern-esque Plug Something People Actually Care About when he has not worked, not only he has not worked, he Poison Riveresque gets Fired from Jobs, Under Suspicious Circumstances, and to make it worse, tries to keep the Cat in the Bag when She's Angry Enough to Escape.

Not only the Cat is Out of the Bag, but, Sponsors already weren't happy with a Man who'd be Poverty Pimping. Not only is Mr. Jacoby Poverty Pimping, but, he is destroying things that matter when he'd give them away left and right.

Let's call a Spade a Spade with someone who is delusional and someone who actually done what Mr. Jacoby wanted to do with William Byron, where he won 3 Rookie of the Years and 2 Championships if not a 3rd.

That is not nothing and I know I'd hate Little Jerry Jr. and Liberty University, but, that's another story. 

We don't have the same How to Behave in Public Ethic because of COVID 19 and that is Awful and people'd see you from Home like it was Summer Camp. It has a Markup Effect like everyone wants to Ruin Chipotle because of a Poo Version of "Fix You" and I am fine with Panchero's or Taco Johns.

I'd look at how people behave in True Luxury Hotels or International Airports, because the Studying Abroad Rush of My Peers, Friends and Classmates marked that up and College, too.

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