Thursday, January 20, 2022

I'm Gonna Miss Billy Sims in My City!

 I don't like that Billy Sims BBQ closed in my City! I feel that as a BBQ Fan and a College Football Fan, I wouldn't make the trek to Burlington the same if it was Iowa City or Crosstown. To me, that is big because the Only Presence of Barry Switzer's Lone Heisman Trophy Winner in My Area is Gone!

No one wants to see Businesses Close, but, it drives you nuts that someone you've been loyal to closes. I would be the kind of person who'd talk your ear off over College Football for the Longest Time and actually get Billy Sims's Real High School Alma Mater's Booster Club Request in the Mail (Hooks ISD) and extra credit for the year Mr. Sims Graduated from Hooks ISD (1974).

It doesn't help that getting out is Hard Work and whenever you want to get out, it is thwarted by Severe Weather. It is frustrating and I would not have anyone to offer or anything to offer most times.

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