Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Code Batman Beyond: What to Do With Problem Social Media Accounts and the People Behind Them?

 I feel that this Code is based off the Batman Beyond Children's Animated Series in the 2000's which essentially rewrote the whole axis on the Batman Franchise. I don't necessarily want to inkwell Jason Jacoby, which that easily would have turned Uglier and Nastier than it would have been really had it not been for the House Arrest, but, there are scenarios that are not as fortunate.

Occasionally, the least that Social Media should do is have a Sounding Board Mentality. With Television, there are standards, thank heavens, but, Social Media is wild and unregulated.

We've had Social Media for Over 15 Years and Worse, it was Originally Designed to be a Collegiate Time Waster. The superseding pretense of the Modern Internet was to both Play Solitare for Longer Periods of Time and to Go Shopping. A lot of things in Cyberspace have gone ignored or unresolved for years, if not generations, and that's where the "On to the Next One" is a Problem.

Hey, some of us want to have the Money to have Throwback Jerseys!

The problem with Livestreaming is instead of having a Home to Webcam from, these Problem Social Media Accounts and the People Behind Them Livestream Willy Nilly and that is a Problem because even button down Livestreams would take a Lot of Paperwork before they go Live.

Frankly, most of us are tired and the Problem with Problem Social Media Accounts and the People Behind Them are plenty. Too many to fit on a Family or Kinda Family Blog.

Bail Reform is a Very Dangerous Game because it drains help from people that need it and you can't just Medevac Every Car Accident because you don't have room at the Hospital. And, those of us who are actually needing help are stuck with a Cradle to the Grave Mentality, which is Problematic and Unethical.

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