Saturday, January 29, 2022

Chris Brown is Cratering From the Sky Like a Wayward Missile

 Chris Brown is Cratering from the Sky Like a Wayward Missile with no options to Remedy its path, and instead, it just drops out of the Middle of the Sky. Chris Brown's Recording and Touring Career is not going to be Bankable and there is reason even now, they won't play or invite Miranda Lambert to Richmond 13 Years Later.

I can't stand Guys that have too many chances. The Wayward Missile would be more of a Declining Rocket in Space Junk and everyone knows how I'd feel about Both the Space Program being in American (NASA) Hands and the Injustices Toward Women and Girls.

Chris Brown is the Pinnacle, the Beacon and the Pedestal of Black Exploitation. After a while, you'd can't make money and you can't yell "Illinois Lottery" to conceal your noise. There have been arguments Chris Brown's Career has been a Scam for his Lack of Returns and the Overfocus on Social Media.

Guys that have too many chances litter and rifle my Boyhood Neighborhood and there is reasons why I don't want to be Home like a Plant or a Vegetable. The Space Junk is no joke and the junk that pollutes R and B is giving the African-American Community a Bad Name.

It is angrier, more angrier than the Martin and Malcolm Years, and it is a wreck and no one is interested in fixing or keeping the Car in Good Shape. None of the current is having to replicate the 1970's with St. Louis Dances, but, we'd need an answer and not Lionel Hutz to get us out of these Rough Lives and Lifestyles.

Even the Barstool Fights made it to North Korea in REAL TIME, and if I had a Pick to bring people to Cedar Rapids, I'd rather have Christina Aguilera than some of these Jokers who'd not want to be there.

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