Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Return of the Run and Shoot in Hawaii!

 I feel that the Hawaii Warriors should either be a Playoff Team or Occasionally a National Champion. I would feel that I am jumping the Gun, but, I feel the Return of the Run and Shoot in Hawaii should be welcomed.

I don't like anyone and everyone in the Western United States messing up and I feel that I would have Opinions about Oregon being the Bird Chicken Man of the American West. Trust me, they are not pretty.

I would feel happier if Hawaii would not be a Million Miles from the Playoffs, or the Championship. If we did the Run and Shoot Properly, not even Georgia would keep up.

It is a Felony that Hawaii let their program go in the matter it has. Mid-Southerners are going to be not happy no matter what, but, I'd feel whatever Thursday Night or Saturday Night has to be better than "Where's The Rock and Roll?"

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