Sunday, January 30, 2022

Why Not a New Trafford?

 It bothers me and eats me up that Old Trafford is not hospitable, nor is it able to be the centerpiece of English Soccer. As a Lifelong Middle American who grew up with the Manchester United being on my TV for Summer Vacation, it is not OK that Old Trafford is an Afterthought.

There is not a lot of room in Manchester and that creates problems in Expanding the Grounds or Breaking New Ground. A lot of us Manchester United Fans either only know the Team from TV and don't really know the history behind the things.

I'd like to see a way to Replace Old Trafford and I'd know it won't be easy, given that the history of Manchester United is immense. TV notices that the things that lose the luster of Trafford, namely it being in a Bad Area of Manchester, that is easier to notice over time.

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