Monday, January 6, 2020

Should Hawaii Be More On the Gas in the Asia Pacific?

I feel for no matter what the King would do, he cannot fill concrete and I really hope Hawaii would lock Hawaii, the Asia Pacific and the Pacific Coast in Football Recruiting. It would be a big ask knowing the territory I mentioned would be largesse and huge at the same time.

Women's Sports among the Wahine is top of the line and had Commissioner Scott considered that with Boise State, they'd be in the Pac 12 Right Now. I can't change the past, but, I know that recruiting the Island or as much of the Asia Pacific as you could needs to happen.

USC and UCLA have the Past, Oregon has the Swag, Washington has the anger and Hawaii has each other in the middle of nowhere. It is bad that Mariota won a Heisman for not being Jameis, and it is worse Tua is dragging Marinovich. I am not an Islander, but, it should be time to win National Championships on the Island.

Think of it as Hawaii's "Orange Baron" Moment, which they created the character and the car to win Minute Maid's Approval, but, they never got their approval. I'd feel if the Pac 12 Opened Up again, I would want to see Hawaii cap the US Pacific Coastline for everyone save Alaska.

I'd feel like wanting to see proper NCAA Championships come home to the Big Island, because they've been undefeated before, but, it was their hero making a Rainbow Leap for American History.

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