Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ed Belfour Cannot Bribe His Way Out of Trouble

The tragedy in Ed Belfour's Career and Life is for as much attitude as he's had at the Practice Rink and the Arena, he can't seem to calm down. The infamous "1 Billion Dollar" Bribe cost the Stars a chance at a Back to Back Stanley Cups and a Subsequent Dynasty in Analog Dallas in the Process.

Seriously, The Eagle has made his own Whiskey, which I cannot make up. What else I can't make up is his erratic behavior would smash more houses than Michael Irvin. The Dallas Stars are almost 30 Years Old, play in the most surreal Winter Classic to a degree of embarassment, and their heroes won't stick around.

Tom Hicks was the secret sauce of Dallas Stars Lore. He was the not so secret middle between Jimmy Johnson and Janis Joplin and he'd rather'd be Port Arthur like UGK and not Highland Park like Jerry Jones, Lamar and Clark Hunt. Even the Sidekicks that rocked Texas Stadium and the Cotton Bowl still get their autographs and mail in Dallas.

To be frank, the Stars are further away from Broten and Nanne of their prior North Stars Lore. I feel the tour de force that holds the Stars down is the Gift and the Hex of "No Goal", the 1st Non Sweep Stanley Cup Since 1994 at that time.

I feel these posts are not fun and they are not a bed of roses.

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