Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Austin Still is Not a Good Host for the USGP!

 I do not like or appreciate Austin being a Good Host for the United States Grand Prix! While I am on my remarks, I feel mad that Formula One should be about Class! We would not have fixed this problem if someone was So Texas or So Austin or Even Austin Born and Raised to the Point they'd have "Texas Fight" on Repeat.

That would not solve anything and I would feel just because we would have to shift the Focus to American Money, American Drivers and American Races, it would take some of the Soul of the Grand Prix Scene and I would feel that a lot of it would be protecting Money and not having Future Mazepins again and again, it would be crowding out the Soul of the Sport.

I feel mad that most places in the Country would not be able to have a Late Season Round, and a lot of these Shows are like Reality TV with is Toxic. I don't like just dumping hordes of attention more on Austin like we already know Texas and Texas A and M are doing incompetent losses.

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