Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Trump Can't Keep Playing With My House!

 I feel that as an Iowan who's been to the Iowa State Fairgrounds since he's been a Newborn, President Trump Can't Keep Playing With My House! I feel that he is not President Currently for a Real Reason and we'd need better candidates than President Biden or President Trump.

It is not good that the Trump Supporters are trashing the House worse than a Football Game. Our State is better than a Trash Can, and I feel that we can't masquerade as a Red State or a Poor State Well. 

In order to preserve thinning profits, they are pushing a Casino down Cedar Rapids like we don't need more problems. The reality is Segregation is not Funny and for as much as Washington DC is Unaccountable, it takes a toll on real people.

It takes money and costs money from Real People and we'd have a more Inept President like the Trump Administration never ever ended. For all I know, the Biden Administration would run the Market on Swag Bags like TED Talks, except, those TED Talks do absolutely nothing with people who'd be Too Happy to Do Absolutely Nothing.

Munchies, Weed and Booze all being Legal would lead us to 5150 or Kendra Nationally. That is not a Good Image, and we'd be not handling Long Term Losses well. It would be one thing to leave things in charge with a Buffoon, but a Stooge is taking things lower and creepier, especially if Normal Women want no parts of either President.

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