Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Let's Do Match Races and Metrolinas Again

 This is a Double Post, and I would want to see Match Race Culture Again as it would be Race the Quartermile and No Protecting the Innocent Within Reason. I feel mad to China that we don't have enough Match Races and I would feel that they'd be promoted to Venus in the Best Way.

I wouldn't hide my House, the Iowa State Fairgrounds being remade into a Metrolina and I would feel 2 Things that would be a Negative, Not Keeping a Secret and Being Too Familiar. I am mad that My House has been filled with Trump Ilk that Tower over My State and It's The Fairgrounds.

I would rather have The Savvy or the Jujitsu to have Marketed Stock Cars or Cup Cars in the State Fairgrounds. I don't know if the State would Whale a White Whale White Elephant for us Blue Collar People who'd not ape the Purpose of a Pabst Blue Ribbon, but, it wouldn't hurt.

I would shrill marketing to Venus and Mars if they'd let me. I'd want to Play With the Natural Terrain Dirt For War and For Fun because I would love Natural Terrain Road Courses and Dirt Tracks.

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