Friday, October 8, 2021

Itchy, Scratchy and Snyder are Running Amok!

 I feel that these School Disruptions cost Money, and so do these Sports Disruptions. I can kid, kid, kid no matter what, but, I don't want any of my Classmate's or Peer's Kids one day wake me up and say "Tony, so and so is causing problems!" I am not the Father and that would still scare me.

Personally, the Itchy (Trevor Bauer) is running amok and I would have called the Police if he came to my Doorstep. The Itchy has became a more vicious and more violent Itchy to the Women's Community and Dodgers Officials, hindering development and making me wish the Cardinals would steal another World Series in their Forever Red.

The Scratchy (Mazepin and Dad) do not make Formula One fun. We have had Playboys and Frat Boys before, but Mazepin would really grind my gears because he is a Russian in a United States Team and I'd rather throw a Rust Belt Hero in the Indy Car before I'd trust Mazepin. Seriously, I would rather have Economic Sanctions to Russia and China to make up for our School Security.

The Snyder (Dan Snyder) adds nothing to Old DC, and it would be like having Tyler, Scumbag Justin, Scumbag's Scumbag Brother who doesn't want to Work or Go to High School, but thinks he'd weave the Colorado Avalanche into a Dynasty (Didn't Happen), the guy you'd hate for the Long Haul, and the Two Ladies you'd get too excited about saving people from. In reality, it would be 3 and it would be First and Middle Name and I would be more shattered and less better off than that of before.

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