Thursday, May 20, 2021

2300th Blog: Why they'd need to Cordon Off Season Ticket Sections

 In the later years of the Old Veterans Memorial Stadium, they'd cordon off the Season Ticket Section for Season Ticket Holders. I am not a fan of more gimmicks than gimmicks itself, because, it would scare off your Season Ticket Holder Base and defeat the purpose of offering Season Tickets.he 

I feel instead, the reason you'd have a Season Ticket Holder Base is it would hold sway and the pocketbook. I feel this is foreign to some people, who'd take Sports Business for granted and the trains kept on rolling until they didn't, which causes its own problems.

It would cause a ruckus that we'd let things flip and the Outfield Wall would change left and right. The Outfield Wall would be as common as the lettering or the font of the right sponsor or you'd be yelled at.

The other extreme would be down the road at Hawkeye Downs is the Billboards are as Wooden as an Atlantic Hurricane, which leads to other problems. Either we'd be starving for a New and Safer Facility or the Turnover is So Common no one wants to invest in the facility.

You want to count the Local Sponsors on the Walls, which is a good sign of a Welcome and Robust Economy.

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