Saturday, May 15, 2021

Colton Underwood is Trying to Distract Us

 I find Colton Underwood is trying to distract us from his Unstable Lifestyle and Behavior. I feel that the biggest thing of a Central Illinois Student Athlete, even as an Alumni is Win With Honor. To be fair, he is winning like Charlie Sheen.

No one really wants to be around him and that is a problem. He is a Quagmire instead of a Folk Hero.

I feel like saying I do not know how long The Bachelor will be in business, and certainly, they can't keep taking hits.

This is a Dry Subject in Bachelor Nation, and I feel Colton is anything but a Folk Hero. A lot of the Bachelor's Casting Habits have been Balls and Holes and they avoided it for the Longest Time.

The Bachelor is not a Franchise that even Whines With Honor. Instead, it is exactly the opposite of what is being taught.

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