Thursday, May 27, 2021

Marv Albert Worsened the Character of Play By Play Announcers

 This is a 25 Year Old Flu, and Marv Albert Worsened the Character of Play By Play Announcers. I feel that the 1990's opened the Oceans on Sports Broadcasting, and even myself, where I'd wanted that for a career until I had to work instead of going to School.

What bothers me is I was never angrier for a Not Guilty over Marv Albert's Sexual Assault Trial in 1997, OJ Simpson included, and that wrecked a large portion of my School and Home Life. I feel the NBA has suffered because of the lack of Mr. Albert's Character, and the lack of said character has inspired copycats, namely Marty Tirrell.

We will have our Bill Snyder's and Norm Van Lier's again. I feel mad that what is wrong is Fan Decorum would be tipped off and a lot of these guys would earn their hate because of their behavior or how they handled business.

The NBA is 75, we are no closer than merging ABA Stats than we where at 50, and the recount is having to yell at these Backchannel Prep to Pro Wannabes who are making more money than common sense and they can't get in the club!

I'd feel the emphasis would be having to bring back character and not just throw yourself to the Edge of Town Friends and the only thing you can trust is your vape. Sports Radio does not show any interest in expanding or even welcoming different kinds of people and goes against what you want to do.

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