Thursday, May 27, 2021

What would happen if a Patent Troll took on a Cancelled Trademark as Their Own?

 I would feel that one of the worst things out of South Park is instead of having the Washington Redskins, and having nothing to do otherwise with Washington DC and being a pain to Hollywood and Washington DC, the pain that would really cause pain to the Trademark Office is What If a Patent Troll took on a Cancelled Trademark as their own?

And, instead of having to just play with Kickstarter or GoFundMe like it was a Bank, which Banks are Much More Stern than that, your whole strategy was Kickstarter or GoFundMe? Multiple layers of doing nothing would do nothing but anger the Credit Card Companies and those Credit Card Companies are a and the Gateway to doing Business in the World.

Instead of Laughs, there are serious implications and consequences, too. I would think that the irony in the argument from Archrival "The Simpsons" "Das Bus" is when Bill Gates said that he wouldn't make money cutting checks. Bill Gates and Dan Snyder's Work Ethics cut too close to home and that the biggest swap between the build up in "Go Fund Yourself" is the installation of Kirk Cousins where Robert Griffin III was.

The worst thing is having to deal with Adults appropriately. It would tie up 2 Different United States Circuit Courts as the 4th District would not indict a Ham Sandwich, but, if it is Hollywood Copyright Infringements, it is on. And, the Circuit Court in Washington DC would get absolutely angry about Patent Trolls.

This would actually be a Millennial Worst Nightmare in the Wrong Hands and you'd need something else if you'd have Kickstarters and GoFundMe's just to get anything done instead of just Medical Bills, which is a shock when you try to pay Someone Else's Medical Bills via Credit Card and you'd get the bill yourself.

The sad thing is either if it is Friends or having to deal with how the Sausage is Made in Comedy or Sitcom Comedy and there is no middle ground like Alabama and Auburn.

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