Friday, May 28, 2021

Bad Vibes do not Make for Good Times!

 I feel like as a Public Service Announcement, Bad Vibes do not Make for Good Times! I'd feel that I am still the kid who'd infamously blurted out during a School Assembly about Drunk Driving, "I Learned About Drunk Driving From Rob Moroso!" when I am still mad about missing Kyle Petty coming to my School over having a Dentist Appointment and I did and still do not like the Talk, Talking About My Relatives or Relationship Problems.

I feel at almost 36, Relationship Problems cause a Problem for legit relationships and I learned about AIDS from Tim Richmond, and my Dad told me those Tim Richmond Stories. I feel Nikita Mazepin would be one of those Tim Richmond Stories, and I would think what would get the IMF as Jawy as the Federal Reserve is if Mazepin and Dad are into Drugs and Women.

I don't think that the Whittingtons, John Paul Jr., Randy Lanier and Others would have lasted as far, or even at all in the first place. I feel my outburst disrupted Eastern Iowa Schoolhouse Lore and Broke the Mold, which even now, broke the mold and made School a Chaotic Scene.

The things most people do not take is Defending Women, Giving So Much Sex or Anything Close to that A Gal's Head Would Go Like Linda Blair, Defending Family because your Family was talked about more than President Kennedy's, The Talk or Anything Serious. My flip is what if we didn't have any of those?

It would be harder for Kids to Learn and Learning off Pop Culture or Your Older Cousins or Brothers and Sisters would be dangerous. This is an incendiary time and as much as I'd like to kid around about Prison Overcrowding, it is not funny like CBS cutting to Iggy Azalea when they mentioned J. Cole at the Grammys.

School Security Problems have gone up like a Bone. I can't stand for having to think of Relationship Problems without flying off the handle and flying off the spout like I was Playing Teacher until the Real Teacher could not be found. We wouldn't have enough Faculty to remotely be interested in a 5 and Full Day Week and it would be TS after a While if Thursdays and Fridays would be part of the Weekend.

The whole moral is Bad Vibes do not Make for Good Times and I feel that what is trouble is you'd want someone or something to lose it or lose it first like it was South Park. The sadness is if Prison is not in order, it is harder to get jobs Home and it is harder to deal with People who'd get away with more than if they where lokking these communities like we weren't already unsafe to begin with. Perversely, we'd gone back to the "In The Outdoor" Policy of Corrections and Mass Paroling or Pardoning Does Not Work at all.

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