Sunday, May 16, 2021

This Is Not A Cure For Alzheimer's!

 Even though in my Cyberspace Yarns that are Non-Recriminal, I have stated that I'd wanted a cure for Alzheimer's because I lost one of my Grandpas due to Alzheimer's. I feel like the insidiual cruelty of my State is instead of Big Government, Sick Nick and his Creeps have been responsible for causing a crossing of the path of a Revenue and a Spending Problem.

It hurts my State in a Lot of Areas. I'd almost think there'd have to be a Snitch Line for Unemployment, and not the one to get out of trouble only to get into more trouble. I feel a Raw Sense of Guilt that we'd generally be protective and territorial of our tax dollars, not be a Third World Problem.

Losing Mollie Tibbetts as Centerpiece of The Collar Year of 2018 stunted developments of Women's and Children's Health. Even with the Pandemic, I doubt the Bahena Rivera Trial would have seen the scenery of delays and changes of venue.

I do not take pride in these types of posts and I feel that in my Blogger Community, I'd sacrifice a lot to be the Midnight Rider. We are just as rotten with the free stuff as Washington DC and to make it worse, it is like College Days where it is a Big Run and nobody's really happy.

I feel like the Paperback has not gotten better and the lack of development would push the State and Federal Government into areas they shouldn't. Or, better yet, ride stipulations that if you don't produce results by X Date, you will be cut off.

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