Tuesday, May 18, 2021

What if Both the Mayor of DC and the President of the United States Had the Same Problems?

 The scary part is having both the Mayor of DC and the President of the United States having the same problems happened before in the 1990's. And, the scarier part is we are closer to it happening again.

I don't know if President Trump would dare himself a Marion Berry angle while mad and in prison, it would stunt and delay the United States Economy further. I don't know if curiosity is the cat, but, if Matt Gaetz where a Minority, he'd run harder like New Jack and then some to keep his office.

That is the scary part if we let education go and straws win. There is not a Grand Statement that would define this Presidency, and instead we'd let these replays win. We are no closer to getting houses, or cars, and keeping them well.

Instead, we are closer to the copiers than actually having something meaningful. And, we are electing Senators that are finding themselves closer to the door.

Or, if we had Miss America be the President's Wife, that would be a Special Sorority. Instead of getting married and remarried, I would think that instead, we'd do something different. We wouldn't have 35 Years of Ivanka the same as Jackie O or these Games of Extortion to pull Presidential Pardons.

I am thinking Impeachments will have to rule and roil our Summer en masse. I don't think that encouraging fraud or other criminal commissions to keep an office is good and most Presidents would try to figure a plan for their First 100 Days out of office, not be paranoid over Health Insurance like everyone else.

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