Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Athletics Move Could Spur Replacements of Historic Stadiums

 I am thinking the race is on for the Athletics to be the Las Vegas Athletics if any and all options in the Bay Area do not materialize. And, having to look at this tale as not only an Expansion Tale, but, having to replace Wrigley Field, Fenway Park and Dodger Stadium.

We have had plenty of Past World Series in this Still Young Season and having to correct past realignments are what is up. We are run down in this Wild and Crazy Period because if it rains just right, the Coliseum would be unusuable.

I am thinking the American West would need the A's to handle having a correct Stadium Situation. It is not the most urgent discussion, but, having a Past Its Prime Facility is not attractive to business.

Angel Stadium and Kauffman Stadium would also be due for replacements and I don't think the renovations from the 1990's are going to hold their weight.

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