Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Midwives Tale from Australia has a Sad Truth

 I hate to just dig in like a bulldozer over Social Media or things we'd already know, but the Midwives Tale from Australia has a Sad Truth in having the inattentiveness or full on disinterest or inappropriateness some of these Husbands have.

It feels like we are rolling into another Led Zeppelin or Simon and Garfunkel Phase without the Guitar or the R and B. I am sure that it will get brought up elsewhere and I do think that the Swiss Army Knife Ethic is not brought up.

The Swiss Army Wife Johnny Carson Clip would have problems getting past people today. Moms do not want Personal Questions when we are trying to introduce a New Person to the World.

And that new baby would have questions like a Water Park and that does not look good. The inattentiveness, full on disinterest or inappropriateness will lead to the Divorce Rate spiking out of control.

These are Real Women, not Girls and the sadness in all of this is Child Development is Rolled on Down the Road and Forgotten About like a Castle.

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