Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Arizona State's NCAA Investigation Had to Come to Happen

 I feel that Arizona State's NCAA Investigation had to come happen because if I where to throw my money around to who's lid would have been blown first, it would have been LSU's. The Pac 12 South is a Cosmically Bad Division and the fact that Arizona State is in trouble only makes it worse.

USC would still win a Lukewarm Division Title and their Feet of Clay would still move on, UCLA would run all over LSU for an Unlikely Playoff Berth, and in the one place outside the South where Territory is Socially Acceptable, they are taking crow.

I have said Arizona State was due for an NCAA Investigation, but, it was because of a Rogue Booster's Behavior in Bart Wear. The NCAA can hand Postseason Bans for Trans-Am's and Slush Funds to everyone around you, but, not hand out Postseason Bans for a Rogue Booster's Sexual Behavior?

If I was the NCAA, I would have been on that case as soon as Last Summer. I'd feel like we'd have a Fire Burning, with Hairball dragging Michigan like a Hairball, Herm Edwards forgetting he was running a College Program, Tennessee being neck and neck with Kansas for who's the Worst, and Kansas being Temple Bad, especially when programs that actually didn't play in 2020 are getting more Star Treatment than the Jayhawks.

Sadly, these are All Star Universities and Flagships, not Always Something Universities like someone else goes to the Nurses Station just to get out of Trouble. New Mexico State is better than Tennessee or Kansas, and I don't know if any of their kids where on the Bowl.

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