Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Smoking Section

 I feel mad that the only thing that Chicago Culture has done in recent years is the Smoking Section, which is counter to Tobacco Control. I am madder than a wet hen that I don't see the World Class, or the perception of World Class.

I'd think where I'd begin is if the Camelot Hex was not freed up, it would still be there. And, it would come back up in 2025. I would feel that there'd be a responsibility to Ice Hockey that as Fans, it would be easy to do, but, as actual Draftable Players and Hall of Famers, we are not being pushed.

We'd earn our Feathers and not for good, either. I don't think you'd want to lose the Privilege or the Principle of Clinching at Home and I'd not want to lose the Aura of Home Field Throughout on Lake Shore Drive and instead, the foundations of Safe Parks and Safe Schools have become Big Business and Bigger Business.

Instead of empowerment, we've had a Chiraq Culture that has ragged and ragged Urban and Other Culture like a Wet Rag. What would we do if when the Billy Goat Curse and the Curse of the Bambino rode and rode into the end of the decade and crossed paths into the World Series?

You'd have to be a Madman, sadly, to believe that, and I am mad that there is not a Championship Commitment in the Bulls or a Title 10 Commitment in the Bears. I don't like or appreciate that a bunch of kids deterred us from a Better Olympics and I would be mad that as an Adult, it is either Catch and Release or Military Grade Incompetence that would put people in Prison.

To be fair, our feathers are ruffled and it would be the opposite of earning the Letter Jacket and the Academic Letter and I do feel where is the Expectations? It is a slap in the face not having to argue with my Cousin over who is in the McDonald's All American Game and it is having the Worst People in Sports or Business Award and People Getting Angry they didn't Win or Get Nominated like it was Work.

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