Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What Would Happen if We Still Had Match Racing the Way We Did?

 I am a bit curious what would happen if we still had match racing the way we did? The Extra 320 Feet would matter and would make you or cost you money. It wouldn't be all show like Baylor and making Expense Reports and Aggravations Reign and Rain like the Marshall Man and the East Texas Man wanted another Swing at Permian in their Peak and they didn't all hear about YA Tittle, who was more competent of a Football Giant, but, was more able to help kids and give them the time of day.

Speaking of the time of day, people would get worn out of Force vs. Schumacher or the Force Sisters all the time like it was Work. The whole purpose of Fun Activities was and still is to get out of Work. The opinions, not necessarily the next town over, would carry past the edge of town and to the actual Educated Men and Women.

If Match Racing was at Earlville or Eddyville Semiregularly, I would have an opinion about Steve Torrence, which he is more Metal than Character, and Spencer Massey, which he is a Jerk and Enabled, and that would scare away the people.

I'd wonder if we had to make our Money every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on the Match Race Circuit like certain parts of Wisconsin having Racing in the Summer and do National Events as Well? Would it be like the World of Outlaws, and would we see Scott vs. Larry Dixon, who are no relation, where raised on opposing sides of the Pacific, and had Target and Miller Lite as their Major Sponsors Respectively?

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