Thursday, April 23, 2020

Winners, Losers and Personal Responsibility

I feel like what has stinted our view is having to expect to pick Winners and Losers and worse, our economy is worse for wear. I feel that we should be allowed to make money like a Candygram within reason and I thought we where past playing favorites!

I would believe that the fact we should help the uninsured, underinsured, unemployed and underemployed. I feel that we make it a habit currently to make things we could not otherwise afford or worse, afford on our own accord without having to push our way across.

To be fair, the illness of having to just cling to things is not good. If I was General Manager or any other Authority Figure, I would absolutely, positively, not have anyone just stealing or wasting their talent!

I feel we are bad with that habit and it is not good and I would shriek about stuff that shouldn't be home. If we where in any other time than this, we would have sorted out things that should be left at home or better than that, at least have some decency or manners besides being too at home! I would feel rotten if someone was too at home, attempted to freeload or did freeload without working for things and then having the nerve to get territorial for no good reason!

The downside to most things is they are have a job, get a job! I would feel as if you are above anyone who has less than you or lesser than you, your a big problem! It is a worse problem if the 1st in a Long Line still is unflattering and could easily pass away tomorrow if they are not careful!

If it is someone that has a talent or a skill that is focused, people will stay and stay longer in droves.

I would much, much rather not shrink like a cat when the chips are down.

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