Saturday, April 4, 2020

Slapstick and Short Term Thinking

THIS JUST IN: We have Short Term Thinking Leadership! That is not new! But, what is all new to me is having to cycle through people long enough we'd cycle people in just to avoid Unemployment.

I feel like it is hard to break a Bad Habit when it is not a Cutie or All New. We've been thrown enough things through the years that we want to be home, but, we can't. Or we won't want to be at home, either, and we would be Homesick Homebodies for no better reason.

I feel like where we are at is being dull and edgy and that is not good. We'd try to throw money at people left and right, which our President is doing, but, most of us have to go to Work.

Any other Election Year, this would be a leap and then some. I feel like I hear one thing one way, and a different thing another way, and Dr. King would not approve of either!

The onion of all this is I am Rock Solid with my Ethics and it drives me crazy that other people aren't. There is no appeal to just having to need Long Money for Short Bursts of Time, which depletes accountability and there is no Self Confidence to just fuel up.

We couldn't just have people avoiding unemployment because that disenchants people trying to look for Work. We are not conditioned to be lasers, which makes this Sojourn even worse than it should be.

I feel like there should even be a contingency just to say there is a contingency. We don't even have that even!

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