Monday, July 12, 2021

Could You Imagine the Outrage if we Had 20 Cent Beer Night Today?

 We've had some pretty bad marketing ideas, and worse, LSU has made it habit to give out Scholarships like 20 Cent Beer Night. Instead of 5 Cent or 10 Cent Beer Night, or even 15 Cent Beer Night, we'd double down on 20 Cent Beer Night?

Your On Field Product would have to be despicable and in the history of Bad Promotions (Disco Demolition, 5 Cent Beer Night, et al) you'd double down on the Same Bad Promotion like instead of a High Class Best People in Sports, you'd have the Worst People in Sports, with No Dinner Jackets and worse, it was an actual Outlaw Mud Show requisite with Actual Outlaws.

The outrage would extend beyond the field and crowd control would be unnatural and unreal. It would not be attracted because having a key rival came to town or Nolan Ryan was a Hall of Famer already. Your promotion team would be ripped for having Hardee's Cup Holders of Just Beer and Thanksgiving Tables of Just Beer.

It would have clawing and varying R Rated Effects, like most of your Audience would be Adult Males who'd get a better deal on beer than at the Bars and if it was involving Sports Gambling, I would not even want to get started.

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