Sunday, July 18, 2021

I Really Do Hope Toto Wolff Has Contrition Over Verstappen!

 Generally, I call these posts Tiebreaker Posts for Good Reasons. Leave it to Mercedes Benz, or Daimler Benz, they want to leave Sports Cars and Formula One Racing as a Rich Man's Sport. I feel and really do hope Toto Wolff has Contrition over Verstappen!

I feel Lewis Hamilton is generally about himself and I don't like the Biggest Permanent Circuit Grand Prix had devolved into a Nigel Mansellian Pep Rally. I didn't feel the enthusiasm of Nigel Mansell and I feel that Lewis Hamilton has taken Mercedes for a Ride worse than Brian the Family Dog.

I would bark, and bark and bark and bark like I was DMX about really wanting the Future. 100 Wins would not be easy and I really want the Future badly, because Lewis Hamilton distorted the Future in ways Michael Schumacher didn't.

I'd love anyone as long as they are not Alfa Romeo! I really, really feel like getting commitment out of Indy Car is easier than having to pump "Extortion Money" and change these programs. I don't think I'd approve of the Pep Rally Mentality or barking like a Dog when in reality, you'd be on an Ecstacy Speedball and that would and will crash.

I am wanting not just an American, but, An American Woman, and an African American Woman in Formula One, especially if we have Sabre Cook in the W Series, and the only one most people are aware of in Major or Kind of Major (Through TV) actively is Nicole Lyons and I feel that even though She a Bit Past Tina Turner in 1984 Age, but, I feel she'd need the opportunities Cheryl Glass didn't and she was a Hair from F1.

I would change my stance on Alfa Romeo if they put a Hemi and changed it to a Dodge. But, I will never forgive their abandonment of Stock Car Racing and instead of sliding a Lancia Stratos into Goody's Dash, they are sliding a Supercar and Calling it a Mopar not to alienate the American Public.

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