Thursday, July 29, 2021

I Would Like an Olympic Host that Went About Hosting Well

 I would like an Olympic Host that went about Hosting Well, and not absolutely mental. I feel that Soft Leadership needs to be addressed big, because Soft Leadership enables Steroid Problems and having Safe Sport keeps your Off Hours in Check.

What is not happening is having an Olympic Host that actually goes about Hosting Well. I feel that being the Olympic Flag and the American Flag both Mutually Exclusive, I feel that we are letting both down.

I wouldn't have appreciated the Olympics had I bugged my way to the Plane and I would not have appreciated the Olympics if I spent all my time at the McDonald's like I didn't discover all the Tokyo Cuisine like I would never be back there again. If Paris could get me a Repeat Customer all the way back in Marion, I would be a Happy Camper.

I feel shame that we don't have a Replacement Ralph Wilson to kick around as a Lake Placid Olympic Rider, and that would come on its own. It would be one thing to Try and Email these Plans and these Plans to Make the Plane, but, it would be another to make the reservations completely.

Frankly, I am fed up and I am really fed up that we don't keep our promises to Olympic Sports or have an indifference to them.

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