Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Days of the Whiners and Roses

 I feel mad that there'd be Too Many Whiners that Want Dinner, Dancing, Reservations and Roses. Older Women are Worn Out and So are Young Women.

I can't stand Barstool being a Bowl Sponsor because you can't chase College Girls and Sponsor Bowls. We already have Jimmy Kimmel insert himself into Bowl Sponsorship and it is too easy to insert yourself into Bowl Sponsorship.

I feel that I would rather go Shopping, but, I'd help save People's School if I'd had to. Neither of those are Bills, but, doing too much of them is not flattering.

I feel that the Flagship (ABC and ESPN) should take more of a Role in the Racing Business out of Fear of another SPEED again. It wears me out that most Older Men or Men who should be Mr. Bauman should not chase Coeds for fun.

I feel there'd be a Prestige Shift in having Playoff Glories and Playoff Appearances and it would be harder for Iowa State or UCF to make their Claim Jumps in the Future. Georgia tried, but, they didn't quite join the Buck Belue and Herschel Walker.

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