Saturday, July 10, 2021

This Space Race Only Encourages China and Russia

 I feel that the current Space Race only encourages China and Russia and I feel mad that it has come down to self financing of Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos and not a United Front from NASA. What most people currently would be aware of NASA would be Sitcoms and that is not good.

I feel there are things that should be a Rich Man's Sport, but, that is to protect the Public from Weirdos. I feel that we should have a stronger look at Space and Cyberspace as we founded both of them.

I am wondering if my favorite Rich Man in Space is akin to who's my Favorite Expectant Mom as Women's Rights Groups would have a Cow in either direction. I feel drug out that dragging the Man on the Moon Anniversary for Jeff Bezos's Launch is not a Good Image.

I don't think President Biden is a Strong Leader for our Space Program, nor keeping Space and Cyberspace Safe. I hate it comes down to Hermits and Recluses and I don't think it should come down to Beer Ads, either.

I wouldn't want people trashing my house without any regards for its history and I feel as an American Man, I feel that we shouldn't have another Sputnik to fire away on our Space Program, either.

This is not drip. It is personal and I hate that we are more focused on Marijuana than we are Space, and I would not want a Statue in Space.

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