Saturday, July 10, 2021

Why is it Our Civic Pride is Draining?

 For years, my city has fought being a Rust Belt Stigma, especially attracting people from the Rust Belt. What doesn't make it fab is having the Cedar Rapids Gazette not be printed by our Friends and Neighbors in Cedar Rapids.

I don't like my Civic Pride draining down the tubes, especially if the Freedom Festival had to spend the majority of its budget on fireworks. I don't like people leaving and if good people leave, it would make it harder to be accountable or want to go to work.

I don't like wanting to keep seeing Shrinking Violets as I want the Young and Hip Worse, like it was my High School or Young Adult Years. I doubt I'd get the same engagement, but, I wouldn't want Aunts Calling if their baby or niece is 19 and capable of making their own decisions and still give me an earful and not about saving Nashville.

I don't think they've done enough for us Hard Working Adults, even though it was one thing to have to work on Masters when Pizza Hut wouldn't have made it Great Enough.  We are in the One Grandma would get mad over their fragrance and not the Young and Hip Characters.

I feel that this is more of a Mea Culpa than a Self Own, but, when the people don't be as good, that is a sign to get out.

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