Sunday, July 18, 2021

Let's Stop Rewarding the Worst People in Sports!

 I feel let's stop rewarding the worst people in Sports and Say We Did! It is not good that being in flux in Pandemic that Poor Sportsmanship is being taken to extremes. I feel that the worst people in Sports take away from Women and Children, Encourage Racism and Sexism, and we'd not even be aware that Sexual Offenders would be in Sports.

I am a Sportsman, last and first, and I don't like having to say "Rich Man Sport" or "Rich Man or Person Interest" even though we are supposed to be inclusive or at least lend room for being inclusive. I feel the Worst Males have their only thing going for them is their Manhood, and a lot of my Manhood Years have been Unfair and Unbalanced.

What it is is Bologna and I don't want Bologna on my Food, especially if I'd get a lot of it. Sadly, I'd get too much of it and a Couple of my Middle School Peers Moms are Food Ethics.

I'd get a lot of Stephanies, especially if one of them has her Birthday, and I'd get a lot of Johnny Knoxvilles, too. I feel that it is worse than Goldsworthy having No Golden Years out of Generation X and Dallas Carter still is Too Bad and Too Bold in their Senior Years.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, and I feel that Apathetic is Generational.

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